Funny Comments About Putting Up Outside Christmas Lights

Decorating for the holidays can be a joyous time filled with lots of love and laughter. That said, some types of decorating aren't funny or something you necessarily love to do. Instance in point: Putting up Christmas lights. If you're the lucky someone who gets tasked with decorating the house in hundreds of sparkling lights, you know what nosotros mean.

See why putting up Christmas lights is pretty much the worst holiday chore ever, ahead.

1. You lot spend more time untangling them than actually putting them upwardly

Christmas string lights

They always end up in a tangled mess. | Ryan McVay/iStock/Getty Images

Nosotros can all concur: Untangling Christmas lights is one of the worst holiday tasks. No affair how neatly they were organized and put in storage the year before, they somehow withal cease up in a big tangled mess.

two. You have to spend an unnecessary amount of time in the cold

A semi-detached house is lit up with exterior Chrismas lights

Practice y'all think this kind of display gets put up in 15 minutes? | Matt Cardy/Getty Images

No one wants to stand up outside in the common cold for hours, let solitary exercise it in the name of Christmas lights. No matter where you alive — or, how cold information technology gets — putting lights up in the cold always seems similar a good idea, until you actually accept to do it.

iii. You have boxes of Christmas lights, but still end up buying more than every year

Christmas lights

And the displays will probably be ravaged or crazy expensive. | Thinkstock Images/Getty Images

Going to Walmart during holiday shopping season can exist a nightmare in its ain right. But, going to Walmart just for a string of Christmas lights is even worse. No thing how many lights you ain, information technology never ends up being enough.

4. Your electric bill goes upwards

Residents across Canberra are lighting their property's with Christmas lights

This definitely costs a pretty penny. | Marker Nolan/Stringer/Getty Images

Another thing to go on in heed when setting up holiday lights? Your electrical nib. Allow's just say, the holidays are a neat time for the electric visitor (and those who don't get tasked with putting up Christmas lights).

5. Sure, wrapping a tree trunk and branches in lights looks nice, only it'due south an accented pain

Christmas trees illuminated by LED lights on the eve of Christmas in Shah Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur

This is an obscene corporeality of piece of work. | Mohd Rasfan/AFP/Getty Images

The side by side fourth dimension your family unit asks you to wrap your trees in twinkling lights, you should volunteer them to practice it. That'll teach them.

6. You're ever missing something

You'll probably take to make several trips to the cranium. | iStock/Getty Images

No thing how organized your cranium, basement, and storage bins may be, there is e'er something missing. You could have sworn the extra bulbs were in the box with the ornaments! And what e'er happened to that calorie-free-up Santa Claus?

seven. You basically risk your life to put lights on the top of the house

A roof is a dangerous thing to decorate. | iStock/Getty Images

Christmas lights aren't merely a hassle to put upward. They're unsafe — read: life threatening — too! One slip on the roof or ladder and you could really get hurt!

eight. Don't even get us started on yard inflatables

A inflatable Father Christmas is seen in the seasonal retail factory outlet

Maybe just skip information technology this year. | Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Those things will turn anyone who has to assemble them into the Grinch.

9. Everyone wants the Christmas lights, withal no i offers to help you put them up (or, take them downwardly)

No one is particularly helpful. | Mladen Antonov/AFP/Getty Images

Y'all're not even the one who wants Christmas lights upward. So, why do you have to be the one to put them up (not to mention: accept them down)?

10. The strand always seems to run out right before you accomplish the top role of the tree

Christmas tree

Somehow information technology always runs out. | Martin Barraud/iStock/Getty Images

Another thing we loathe most Christmas lights? Wrapping our tree in them. Non because it's hard or anything like that, simply considering for some reason, no affair how hard nosotros try, the strand always runs out before reaching the peak of the tree.

11. When 1 light bulb goes out, the entire strand goes on strike

Pile of illuminated string lights

If you find a set that doesn't do this, buy them all. | Martin Barraud/Getty Images

While newer lights aren't supposed to come with this frustrating feature, they nonetheless somehow manage to become dorsum to their one-time ways.

12. Cleaved glass at the bottom of your storage box is never a skillful sign

Christmas lights

Even though they oasis't moved in a year, in that location will be one seedling that is broken. | Stockbyte/Getty Images

After spending 11 months in storage, there's no telling what your lights have been upwards to. Instance in point: The cleaved drinking glass found at the lesser of your storage bin. Not only do yous take to clean it up, you lot have to find the bulbs that broke, supercede them, and hope the entire strand notwithstanding lights up.

xiii. It never turns out how you'd like it to

Christmas trees standing by water

Nigh things look improve in your caput. | Karl Weatherly/Getty Images

Putting upwardly holiday lights during the day is probably the best — read: safest — mode to get your house in the holiday spirit. That said, daylight and moonlight are much different and once lit, your lights don't look like they did when y'all first put them upwards. Meaning, you have to unwrap, detached, and detangle until everything looks just right.

14. At that place's a lot of trial and error involved

Man on stepladder decorating Christmas tree

It'southward an art not a science. | Martin Poole/Getty Images

Speaking of your lights not turning out how you'd similar them, there'due south a lot of trial and fault involved when putting up holiday lights. From wrapping the Christmas tree to stapling lights to the edges of your firm, it would be a Christmas miracle if y'all got it right the first time.

15. Your true cat loves Christmas lights a little also much

Kitten playing with Christmas bauble on tree

If it'due south shiny, your cat will destroy information technology. | Martin Poole/Getty Images

If you're a cat-owner, yous know merely how frustrating information technology can be to decorate your tree. While your true cat may look cute snuggled upward on the tree skirt, playing with the lights while you're trying to decorate said tree is not.

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